Mark Cichoracki

Mark Cichoracki Project Experience

The following are projects that Mr. Cichoracki has principally been involved with as owner at APT activities relating to management of assessment/ remediation strategies, technical oversight, client management, project management, agency negotiations and/ or permitting.

Product Packaging Company

Northern Indiana

Issue: Solvent releases from UST farm and materials storage area which included 
offsite groundwater impacts.

Work Scope: Site investigation preparation of VRP Phase II Site Investigation Report: Remedial design preparation of Remediation Work Plan; construction of air sparging/ soil extraction system; ongoing monitoring and reporting.

Resolution: The project is ongoing. Total VOC concentrations in groundwater have decreased from approximately 20,000 ug/L in October 1999 to 150 ug/L in July 2002.


Automotive Manufacturing Group

Central Indiana

Issue: Solvent releases associated with degreaser vent and materials storage at active facility.

Work Scope: Site assessment; negotiation with IDEM regarding preferred remedial approach; preparation of Remediation Work Plan with design specifications; construction of low-flow vacuum enhanced pump and treatment system; ongoing monitoring & reporting.

Resolution: The project is ongoing. VOC concentrations in influent have decreased from more than 2,200 ug/L in 1998 to approximately 400 ug/L in July 2002.


Brownfield Site Redevelopment in Northern Indiana

Issue: Property transaction. Groundwater impacted by VOCs that appear to originate from off-site. Buyer wanted liability protection from these and potential unknown impacts.

Work Scope: Phase I and Phase II ESAs for property transaction. Developed project for liability relief, with subsequent entry into VRP.

Resolution: The project was withdrawn from VRP. The property owner determined that adequate liability protection was afforded by the data showing an off-site source for the groundwater impact. No on-site source areas were identified.


Municipal Development Corp.

Central Indiana

Issue: The city was interested in potentially purchasing several abandoned manufacturing plants for re-development.

1. The initial site was entered into the VRP as part of an EPA Brownfields Pilot Grant in order to receive closure and be redeveloped as an active industrial facility.

Work Scope: Site investigation; preparation of Phase II Site Investigation Report; 
preparation of Remediation Work Plan.

2. The second property was entered into the VRP as part of an EPA Brownfield Pilot Grant in order to receive closure and be redeveloped as an active industrial facility.

Work Scope: Site investigation; preparation for Phase II Site Investigation Report; preparation of Remediation Work Plan.

3. The final property involved assessing the potential environmental liabilities association with a former municipal landfill. The City wanted to re-develop the site and was seeking protection from future environmental liabilities.

Work Scope: Development of alternative closure strategy through VRP versus through RCRA; negotiation of closure strategy with IDEM; liability protection strategy; site investigation. The site investigation activities are currently ongoing and are being handled as part of an EPA Brownfields Pilot Grant.


RV Manufacturing Facility

Elkhart, Indiana

Issue: Property transaction. Groundwater impacted by VOCs associated with 
materials storage area. Buyer wanted liability protection from these and potential 
unknown impacts.

Work Scope: Phase I and Phase II ESAs for property transaction. Developed project strategy for liability relief, with subsequent entry into VRP.

Resolution: The project was withdrawn from VRP. The property owner determined that they had limited liability, based on relative minor nature of impacts and lack of off site receptors. No on-site source areas were identified.


RV Manufacturing Facility

Wakarusa, Indiana

Issue: Property transaction. Groundwater impacted by VOCs that appeared to originate from off-site. Buyer wanted liability protection from these and potential unknown impacts.

Work Scope: Phase I and Phase II ESAs for property transaction. Developed project strategy for liability relief, with subsequent entry into VRP.

Resolution: The project was withdrawn from the VRP. The property owner determined that adequate liability protection was afforded by the data showing an off-site source for the groundwater impact. No on-site source areas were identified.


Brownfield Development

Central Indiana

Issue: Environmental liabilities associated with a former foundry facility. The site owners wanted to re-develop the site for manufacturing and are seeking protection from future known and unknown environmental liabilities.

Work Scope: Site Investigation; development of strategy to shorten the re-development timeline while minimizing costs to address known environmental impacts; preparation of Remediation Work Plan; closure sampling and Completion Report.